Author Archives: junkndump

The Benefits Of Getting Rid Of Junk In Your Home

Over the years, junk around the house seems to pile up at an alarming rate. There may be broken items that you’re still holding onto that you know you’ll never use again, unwanted Christmas presents, kids’ clothing that they’ve outgrown and so much more.

As a junk removal provider in Wellington, the team at Junk n Dump has seen rather impressive piles of junk over the years. We understand that it can be overwhelming even to make a start on decluttering your home, but there are so many benefits involved!

Lowers Stress

Without piles of unused items everywhere, you will feel less stressed and can relax around the house without having the anxiety of dealing with the junk.

Increases Productivity

When your space is clear from clutter, you’re able to think more clearly and be more productive. Without the distraction of junk, your mind can focus better.

Saves You Time

How many times have you been looking for a particular item, but it takes you forever to find it because of the junk in your home? By removing this junk, you’ll certainly save yourself a lot of time.

Decreased Risk Of Accidents

Piles of junk lying around the home, even as simple as tall piles of magazines, can lead to accidents and injury in the home. Clear your surfaces and pathways to reduce the risk of accidents.

Rediscover Items You Thought Were Lost

As you’re clearing out junk items, you’re likely to come across items you had forgotten about or thought you had lost.

Cleaning Is So Much Easier

With surfaces and floors cleared of unused items, you’ll find that cleaning, sweeping and dusting is so much easier.

Feel Pride In Your Home Once More

Once you have freed your home of junk, you may have a new feeling of pride in your home and may want to invite friends over to show it off.

These are just a few of the potential benefits of getting rid of junk in your home, so start your junk removal journey today!

Looking for a reliable company that specialises in junk removal in Wellington? Feel free to get in touch with the friendly team at Junk n Dump. We provide a comprehensive junk removal service and are highly experienced in what we do.

Where Does Old Furniture Go Once A Removal Company Takes It Away?

If you have old or broken furniture lying around the home or office, you should look at having it professionally removed if you do not plan on selling it or giving it away to a friend or family member.

Unused furniture in your home is taking up space and someone in need could use it. Broken furniture could actually pose a danger in your home, especially if there are exposed nails, etc. But where does your furniture get taken to once furniture removalists have removed it?

While we cannot speak for all furniture removal companies, our furniture disposal services in Wellington dispose of your old furniture in three main ways.


Any furniture still in good, safe and usable condition gets donated. It is very important to us that furniture and other household items are taken to those who could benefit from using them. In addition to helping change someone’s life for the better, donating these items helps reduce the amount of landfill waste, which is an increasing issue around the world.


If a piece of furniture or household item is not in ideal, usable condition, it gets taken to a recycling plant, based on what material it is made of. Here the item will get a new life. It may be refurbished or potentially broken down and stripped for its parts. Either way, recycling is a highly sustainable form of disposal.


If an item is broken beyond repair or in a potentially hazardous condition, it may have to be taken to the landfill. While this is not ideal, certain items are simply unsuitable for donation or recycling. Either way, if you have an item on your property that is unsuitable for recycling or donation, it is probably best to have it removed as soon as possible.

Here at Junk n Dump, we’ll sort through your furniture to ensure it goes to the appropriate locations.

Are you looking for reliable furniture disposal services in Wellington? At Junk n Dump, we are your furniture removal experts! Please contact us should you need any sort of furniture items removed from your home, including mattresses, whiteware, bookcases and more.

Why You Need Estate Clean-Up Services

Dealing with the death of a loved one is always difficult. It’s hard enough coping with the loss, never mind having to deal with clearing their estate as well. Hiring estate clean-up services can save you a lot of time and trouble.

When a person passes away and all their earthly goods remain behind, the valuable and important things are distributed to family members and loved ones through their wills. However, there inevitably remains a significant amount of junk ‒ for lack of a better term ‒ that must be cleared away and disposed of.

Why should you employ an estate clean-up service?

It’s Hard Work

Anyone who has suffered through the passing of a loved one will know that there is a lot of work to be done to organise the estate that the loved one has left behind. Dealing with waste is always arduous. When it is the junk of a loved one who has passed on, it can also be emotionally trying.

In addition to making funeral arrangements and many other things, finding the time and strength to organise and dispose of the many years of accumulated junk can be extremely difficult. Many items can be heavy and difficult to transport, while other things might be hazardous or just dirty and unpleasant. Getting a house cleared out needn’t be an extra burden for you to bear.

Getting It Sorted

At Junk N Dump, we are experts at collecting and then, importantly, sorting through a wide variety of stuff to minimise unnecessary waste.

You don’t have to worry about sorting through anything because we will do that for you. Any items that can be repurposed will be given a new lease on life so that the legacy of your loved one can live on.

In addition, we will minimise the amount of stuff that goes into the landfill, thereby ensuring that the deceased does not contribute to damaging the environment in death.

We are extremely environmentally conscious, which is why we make sure to recycle whatever we can. You can leave it entirely up to us and rest assured that the estate will be cleared out in a manner that will leave your conscience clear.

Don’t try to do it all by yourself. Let us help you during this difficult time. Contact us now to take advantage of our environment-conscious estate clean-up services today and ensure that your loved one leaves behind a clean legacy.

When To Solicit End-Of-Tenancy Clearance Services

As the years go by, we all tend to accumulate a lot of stuff. Some of this stuff is useful, whereas much of it ends up just being clutter. For many of us, this clutter goes unnoticed until the day comes that we have to move house at the end of a tenancy. End-of-tenancy clearance is a chore that no one enjoys, which is why you should consider hiring someone to do it for you.

There are two distinct situations where you might want to hire an end-of-tenancy clearance service in Wellington.

When You Are The Tenant

When moving house, you are forced to face the junk that has accumulated over the years and you have to decide what to do with it.

Moving house is extremely stressful as is, so when faced with the prospect of having to sort through a large amount of junk, many of us simply become paralysed. Not only is it a significant amount of work and very time-consuming, but it is also dirty and simply unpleasant to deal with.

This is why it is very important and very useful to have someone do it for you. We will handle all the dirty work and heavy lifting so you can simply walk away, knowing your junk is being safely and responsibly disposed of.

When You Are The Landlord

When you are the landlord and someone is moving out of the property that you own, it is a common problem to deal with a whole load of left-behind junk. Some people are not that bothered with keeping their deposits and will happily leave their junk behind for someone else to deal with.

As a landlord, you don’t want to have to deal with it yourself and you also don’t want it on your conscience to have all that junk simply thrown into a landfill. Therefore, it would be well worth your while to hire a company like Junk N Dump to deal with the mess for you.

We will ensure that everything is sorted through carefully and that the minimum amount of junk is disposed of in the landfill. We will sort through everything and put whatever we can into recycling. Moreover, what can be repurposed will be repurposed and given a new lease of life to minimise waste further.

For environment-friendly end-of-tenancy clearance in Wellington, contact us at Junk N Dump today and let us handle the mess for you!

5 Ways You Can Reduce Your Electronic Waste

Electronic waste, also known as e-waste, is becoming an increasingly concerning problem. With over 7 billion people in the world, the amount of e-waste we’re creating is astonishing, and as this is a relatively ‘new’ issue it is not being dealt with effectively. A lot of electronic waste is not disposed of correctly, which can cause danger to human health, animals and plant life.

In this article, we’ll identify a few ways you can reduce your electronic waste and provide you with responsible ways to dispose of your e-waste.

#1 Resist The Urge To Buy The Latest Model

Our social media platforms are flooded with adverts for the latest iPhone or other electronic gadgets. There is a lot of external pressure to have the ‘best of the best’ when it comes to technology. Resist the urge to keep buying more than you really need.

#2 Repair Your Electronics

If your electronics are faulty, you should always try to repair them before getting rid of them. It could just be a cheap and easy fix.

#3 Limit The Number Of Electronics You Own

Many electronics provide overlapping functions. Think about what functions you really need from your electronics. You don’t need every gadget out there.

#4 Spend Time Educating Yourself

You are more likely to resist the urge to buy new electronics if you realise the environmental damage that e-waste has. Spend the time educating yourself.

#5 Educate Others

If you really want to reduce the amount of e-waste in the world, spread what you have learnt to others!

How To Get Rid Of Your Electronic Waste Responsibly?

If you have working electronics that are still in good working condition, it is a good idea to donate your electronics to a women’s shelter, charity shop, or someone in need. It is very important that you understand the security risks and ensure that all your personal data is deleted. This way, your electronics are not simply being thrown in the trash but will be used for a longer time. If you have electronics that are no longer usable or obsolete, you should find a company that can responsibly dispose of your e-waste.

Are you looking to get rid of some electronic waste in Wellington? Allow the Junk n Dump team to get rid of your e-waste in a responsible manner. Please feel free to get in touch with us today on 027 276 6922.

6 Items You Should Not Throw In The Garbage!

Very little readily available educational material goes into detail about what you can and can’t throw into your garbage. Because of this, many people throw hazardous items in their trash, which can have many detrimental effects on the environment and even pose a danger to human health.

In most cases, if you see the little red and black hazardous symbol on a product, it means that it should not be thrown into the trash. However, as experts in hazardous items and electronic waste recycling, we’ll provide you with a list of items that should not go into your everyday garbage.

#1 Paint

Paint is a lot more hazardous than most people think. Unfortunately, many people get rid of their unused paint by pouring it down a drain. But by doing this, you can pollute waterways. If it is sent to a landfill, paint can also cause soil pollution. Paint should be repurposed as much as possible because getting rid of it responsibly is quite challenging.

#2 Batteries

Batteries are actually an item that most people know is not okay to throw in the trash. Non-functioning batteries need to be recycled properly because of their harmful chemicals.

#3 Electronic Waste

Much like batteries, your electronics have certain chemicals in them that can leak out when thrown into a landfill, causing all sorts of pollution. Furthermore, if you throw out your electronics without deleting all your personal details, you run the risk of security breaches.

#4 Aerosol Cans

Aerosol cans, such as spray paint cans, can be dangerous because they are flammable, and you should never throw them away in your garbage can. Under certain conditions, they can explode!

#5 Pesticides

Pesticides are filled with dangerous chemicals. When you throw them away in your trash, you could cause land pollution and harm nature.

#6 Old Tyres

Tyres are not recommended to be thrown away with your garbage as old tyres provide so many opportunities for reuse and recycling that throwing them away would be a huge waste.

What To Do With These Items In Wellington?

Do you have any of these potentially hazardous items lying around your home in Wellington? At Junk n Dump, we ensure that these items are disposed of and recycled responsibly. We specialise in electronic waste recycling, donate old tyres to garden projects, and we return unwanted paint for you. When you use Junk n Dump, you can rest assured that you are doing the right thing! Get in touch with our friendly team today.

Garage Storage Ideas

Tips For Keeping Your Garage Neat And Tidy

The garage can very quickly turn into a dumping ground if you do not make a conscious effort to keep it neat and tidy. A garage overflowing with boxes and random items is not just annoying and anxiety-inducing, but it can also be dangerous if these items were to topple over. Not knowing where items are stored in your garage can also be incredibly frustrating if you’re trying to look for something.

For the safety and practicality of you and your family, it is important that you keep this space neat and orderly. Here at Junk ‘n Dump, we are experts in garage clearance in Wellington, and in this article, we’ll share five helpful tips for keeping your garage neat.

Step #1 Declutter

The first step in organising your garage is to get rid of any junk and rubbish you have lying around. Chances are, there is a lot of it. While you are sifting through all the items in your garage, you may also want to sort what you want to keep into different categorical piles.

Step #2 Create A Storage System

Now that you have categorically sorted and decluttered your garage, you are left with the items that you actually need to be stored. You may want to invest in safe and practical storage units to ensure everything is stored securely.

Step #3 Make Use Of Vertical Space

If you are using your garage for parking your car, you may not have all that much floor space available to you when it comes to storage. This is why you should always make use of the vertical space that you have available in your garage.

Step #4 Clean Regularly

The garage can often get left off of your home’s cleaning schedule. Ensure that your garage is regularly cleaned to stay neat, tidy and orderly.

Step #5 Introduce ‘Rules’

It may be a good idea to implement some guidelines or rules for your garage, such as no dumping rubbish in the garage and packing things away where you found them. This can help prevent your garage from getting messy again.

Are you looking for professional and reliable garage clearance services in Wellington? Here at Junk n Dump, we aim to make the process as simple and convenient as possible. Get in touch with us right away!

Landfil Waste Management

Why Overflowing Rubbish Is A Hazard & Should Be Removed From Your Property ASAP

Whether you have an overflow of household rubbish that won’t fit in your bin, or a pile of junk that has been sitting in your yard for months, an excess of rubbish on your property is not just an eyesore; it can be dangerous!

With so many rubbish collection services in Wellington, there is no excuse for allowing trash and junk to build up on your property. To drive this message home, we’ll provide you with various reasons why overflowing rubbish can be hazardous.

Risk Of Injury

If you have sharp, broken or rusty objects lying around in your garden, this is an obvious hazard. Tripping and falling over these types of objects can result in unnecessary injury. Rusty and sharp junk in your garden are especially hazardous to children who like to run and play in the garden.

Air Pollution

Overflowing rubbish may cause air pollution that may negatively affect those with underlying respiratory issues. In fact, certain types of rubbish can even cause respiratory issues and other types of illness. You may not connect the fact that your illness directly results from the excess trash on your property.

Attracts Stray Animals

Rubbish may attract stray animals such as cats, dogs and rats. These animals may cause damage to your property, interfere with your pets, and even be dangerous or rabid. This is why it is so important to get any excess rubbish off your property as quickly as possible.

Breeding Ground For Bacteria

Trash in trash bags creates a warm environment that is ideal for the breeding of bacteria and insects. This is certainly not something that you want anywhere near your home!

Leaking Of Toxic Substances

Certain types of trash (such as broken fridges and freezers) can leak toxic substances. Not only is this a health hazard to you and your family, but it can really damage the quality of your soil and have a negative effect on the health of your plants.

Looking for experts in rubbish collection in Wellington? Here at Junk ‘n Dump, we offer a comprehensive range of rubbish removal services. Please feel free to get in touch with us today at 027 276 6922. Our friendly team would love to help you.

Junk Recycling

What Wellington Rubbish Can Actually Be Recycled?

It’s fair to say that many of us have become increasingly environmentally conscious, trying to learn what we can do to help. Most of us do our best to minimise our waste production and properly recycle, and it can be frustrating to find out that the items you’ve gone to the effort of separating and recycling can’t actually be recycled.

At Junk N Dump, we are all about making our clients’ lives easier. That’s why we offer our Wellington rubbish collection service, doing everything we can to ensure as much of the rubbish we collect is recycled and a minimal amount goes to landfills. If you’re still not sure what can and can’t be recycled, we are here to help.

What CAN Be Recycled?

The specific rules for recycling vary around the world. When recycling items that previously contained food, it’s important to ensure that the containers have been thoroughly rinsed out and dried with no food remaining. As a general rule, the following can be recycled:

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Cans made from tin, aluminium or steel
  • Rigid plastics (drink bottles, milk containers, etc.)
  • Paper and cardboard (junk mail, used paper, cereal boxes, newspapers, magazines etc.)

What CAN’T Be Recycled?

Some items can’t be recycled either because they are physically not recyclable or because handling or recycling them would be too dangerous. Therefore, it’s important not to include any non-recyclable items with your recyclables, as you risk the whole lot being deemed non-recyclable and thrown out.

The following cannot be recycled:

  • Soft plastic (shopping bags, cling wrap/stretch wrap, etc.)
  • Polystyrene (egg cartons, drinking cups, packing pieces, take-out containers, etc.)
  • Any items soiled by food (greasy pizza boxers, dirty food containers, etc.)
  • Broken or sharp glass
  • Garden waste

What About E-Waste?

Electronics that need to be recycled, such as phones, laptops, computer parts and appliances, need to be sent to specific, licenced establishments in order to be properly repurposed or recycled.

At Junk N Dump, we aim to offer our clients useful services to address their waste collection needs. We help to collect and take away the unwanted, broken or unneeded items they have, keeping them from needing to waste their time and energy doing it themselves. As an eco-friendly, Kiwi company, we do everything we can to ensure that everything we collect gets disposed of in the most sustainable way possible.

If you have Wellington rubbish you need removed and can’t bear to break your back with all the heavy lifting, we can help. Get in touch with us today!

Electronic Recycling

What You Need To Know About Electronic Recycling

We live in an age where technology and its applications constantly evolve and update. It seems you can buy the latest laptop or smartphone only for it to become old news a few months later. Many people don’t know what to do with their old electronics when they no longer need for them, especially when they are broken. With that, many electronics have been (unsafely) turfed out to landfills. Luckily, Junk N Dump has just the solution to this problem: electronic recycling.

What Is Electronic Recycling?

Simply put, electronic recycling deals with the reuse, repurposing and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment known as e-waste. E-waste is a catch-all term used to refer to any unwanted, broken or obsolete electronics or electrical products. Examples of e-waste include:

  • Old computers
  • Old computer parts and components (keyboards, mice, etc.)
  • Smartphones
  • Microwaves
  • Radios
  • Dishwashers
  • Printers
  • Electronic toys
  • And more

Why Is Electronic Recycling Important?

Today, e-waste is one of the fastest-growing types of waste across the world because electronic products have shortened lifespans and society is constantly hungry for the newest, best products. With less than a quarter of e-waste is recycled, the rest of these discarded electronics are being sent to landfills, incinerators or even illegally dumped in other countries.

Many of the materials used to make electronics are extremely toxic to the environment and humans —  materials that are being allowed to seep into the environments they are dumped in.

What Can Be Done?

Finding an appropriate electronic recycler or bringing in a service that takes away your rubbish and sorts through your rubbish to distribute them to the appropriate recyclers on your behalf is the best thing to do. Many electronic components are made with precious materials which can be salvaged and reused, like silver and copper. Other parts like batteries, zinc, and aluminium can be reused or repurposed in many ways, including creating new electronics, metal parts and art.

At Junk N Dump, we aim to offer our clients the best ways to help our customers get rid of the things they no longer want or need. By collecting these unwanted items, we help free up time and space for our clients to spend on their hobbies, with their loved ones or anything else they would rather be doing than clearing out the junk!

If you have unwanted electronics you want to dispose of, contact Junk N Dump today for all your electronic recycling.