Over the years, junk around the house seems to pile up at an alarming rate. There may be broken items that you’re still holding onto that you know you’ll never use again, unwanted Christmas presents, kids’ clothing that they’ve outgrown […]
Over the years, junk around the house seems to pile up at an alarming rate. There may be broken items that you’re still holding onto that you know you’ll never use again, unwanted Christmas presents, kids’ clothing that they’ve outgrown […]
If you have old or broken furniture lying around the home or office, you should look at having it professionally removed if you do not plan on selling it or giving it away to a friend or family member. Unused […]
Dealing with the death of a loved one is always difficult. It’s hard enough coping with the loss, never mind having to deal with clearing their estate as well. Hiring estate clean-up services can save you a lot of time […]
As the years go by, we all tend to accumulate a lot of stuff. Some of this stuff is useful, whereas much of it ends up just being clutter. For many of us, this clutter goes unnoticed until the day […]
Electronic waste, also known as e-waste, is becoming an increasingly concerning problem. With over 7 billion people in the world, the amount of e-waste we’re creating is astonishing, and as this is a relatively ‘new’ issue it is not being […]
Very little readily available educational material goes into detail about what you can and can’t throw into your garbage. Because of this, many people throw hazardous items in their trash, which can have many detrimental effects on the environment and […]
The garage can very quickly turn into a dumping ground if you do not make a conscious effort to keep it neat and tidy. A garage overflowing with boxes and random items is not just annoying and anxiety-inducing, but it […]
Whether you have an overflow of household rubbish that won’t fit in your bin, or a pile of junk that has been sitting in your yard for months, an excess of rubbish on your property is not just an eyesore; […]
It’s fair to say that many of us have become increasingly environmentally conscious, trying to learn what we can do to help. Most of us do our best to minimise our waste production and properly recycle, and it can be […]
We live in an age where technology and its applications constantly evolve and update. It seems you can buy the latest laptop or smartphone only for it to become old news a few months later. Many people don’t know what […]